We offer workshops and webinars for college maths/math teachers, particularly those new to teaching large classes of widening access/broadening participation STEM students. We expose them to efficient teaching techniques that have been tried and tested in class, showing how to improve teaching quality and by implication, enhance college STEM students success.
You are running a great Outreach Program, you have set up your Access to Learning Fund and your Widening Participation Admission schemes have been a success. The outstanding issue is:
How to enhance college STEM student success on your widening access/broadening participation courses?
To stay competitive in today’s economic climate your Institution needs to assure STEM teaching enhancement and student success. The question is, can traditional approaches to mathematics teaching assure STEM student retention and success when many of these students are no longer traditional learners? One the latest HEA (UK Higher Education Academy) documents suggests:
“The emerging evidence from the ‘What works?’ projects indicates:
- the importance of the HEI providing opportunities for staff and students to build and sustain their ongoing relationships and dialogue;
- the potential for learning and teaching to facilitate peer interaction and the development of friendships;
- the value of staff gaining an understanding about their student body, including previous experiences, learning preferences and dispositions and future aspirations;
- the value of providing timely formative feedback on academic progress and developing students’ academic confidence.”
How can your teachers implement these ideas in the classroom? You would think that PG Cert courses would help. Unfortunately a recent survey indicates that mathematics teachers find the current generic courses too generic.
Workshops and webinars for college maths/math teachers
We can add the final and crucial ingredient to help you to assure success of the widening access/broadening participation courses – our professional development workshops and webinars. These are particularly helpful to HE and FE mathematics teachers who are new to assisting STEM students bridge the gap between the mathematics they know (if any!) and the mathematics they need to succeed in their numerate courses. All attendees will get free access to our comprehensive premium maths/math resources.
We have already conducted several trial workshops to fill the gap and received positive responses (HEI Response Eval_1 , FE Colleges Response 1 , FE Colleges Response 2).
Run by Larissa Fradkin, Professor Emerita, London South Bank University, UK and Associated Professor, Brunel University, UK , workshop venues are fully flexible.
Arranging a workshop or webinar
Please contact us for more information and to find a training solution most suitable for the needs of your Institution.